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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
Eight Ways
(Con't from page 4)
press. Think big. Sure, the media gets plenty of press
releases every day. But if you make yours stand out
will be used. Be sure to send news releases for your
upcoming seminars and for all those free brochures.
8 Send A Newsletter
Send a newsletter to all of your prospects and custom-
ers. (Why do you think you built that mailing list?) Use
your newsletter to set yourself apart from your competi-
tion. A newsletter can be as short as one page or as long
as you want to make it. The important thing is to send
issues on a regular basis
at least once every six
weeks. Your newsletter keeps your company’s name in
front of your existing customers. And it gives your pros-
pects another opportunity to think about you when it’s
time to buy.
Produce your newsletter in-house with desktop publish-
ing software. Contract with a design house or advertising
firm to produce one. Or use a pre-printed newsletter,
customized with your name and logo. The method you
choose should fit well with your resources and abilities.
Without being obvious, your newsletter is the perfect
vehicle for your sales message. (If you use a pre-printed
newsletter, insert a sales letter or flyer.) Use your news-
letter to announce your new products, the places and
times of your upcoming seminars, and to highlight ways
that your business can help your readers work smarter
or save money.
Always provide your readers with useful information
about computers and how to use computers in their
business. The best newsletters are interesting, informa-
tive and entertaining. Remember, your newsletter is your
primary communication tool
make the most of it!
These ideas have been used successfully by thousands
of businesses. Use them wisely and they will work for
your computer business, too. Select the promotion
methods most appropriate to your own personal style
and use them on a regular basis. Remember, the key to
successful promotion is consistency over a long period
of time.
[Copyright (C) 1994 by John Martin. ALL RIGHTS
RESERVED. Yes, John earns a living as a marketing
consultant. John Martin has been an entrepreneur in
Houston since 1979. As the owner of a computer parts
(Con't, page 9)
Out and About
(Con't. from page 2)
provide the information by signing in on the attendance
sheets at the next meeting.
Mike Meer, LA Fox member and VP of Microcomputer
Engineering Services, has an article appearing in the
Pinter FoxPro Letter,
titled “The Secrets of
LOOKUPO”. It’s about the under-utilized and under-
documented LOOKUPO function hidden in FoxPro 2.6.
After a brief explanation of thefunction, he writes a UDF
(user-defined function) that tests and compares the
difference between LOOKUPO and SEEKO. Bottom
line “LOOKUPO executes much faster than any code
you could write yourself.”
Newsletter/Article Exchange Update. The newsletter
article exchange, announced at OCFDG and LA Fox
three months ago, is an unqualified success. For those
of you who missed it, here’s how it works. Submit an
article to the editor (me) for inclusion in either newsletter.
(Editor reserves the right to edit or offer constructive
comments concerning submitted articles and accepted
articles shall be considered to be in the public domain.)
Articles are then ZIP’d as individual
documents and
forwarded to user groups all over the country. Most
recently, we added the
Potomac Area Fox User Group,
and the
UK Fox Developers Group
. Now anyone sub-
mitting an article to either newsletter (OC or LA) has
pretty good chances of also being published in the Rocky
Mountain States, the Midwest, the East Coast, or Great
Britain. These articles can then be accessed by other
newsletter editors for inclusion in their respective news-
letters. It works sort of like a chain letter, but serves a
much more useful purpose, in that each group’s newslet-
ters stay “fresh”. If you’ll notice, several articles in this
newsletter are from other groups.
Application Developers Training
Company (ADTC)
has announced their training schedule through July.
Their VFP courses (Introduction, Intermediate, and
Advanced) will be run in Los Angeles January 15-19, April
1-5, May 6-10, June 10-14, and July 15-19. Instructors
include many of the luminaries within the Fox community:
David Anderson (1st President of OC Fox), John MIller
(2nd President of OC Fox), Jim Booth, Eldor Gemst,
Andy Griebel, and many others. Those interested can
contact ADTC at 800/578-2062.
Data Warehousing,
Costa Mesa, CA, January
1996. Two-day interactive seminar, sponsored by Ad-
vanced Information Technologies. Cost of the seminar is
(Con’t, page 8)
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