The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 1997
The L.A Fox Developer is the monthly newsletter of
the LA Fox Developers Group. The purpose is
information sharing among application developers
and users working with FoxPro.

LA Fox Address
LA Fox
Barry R. Lee
P.O. Box 6624
Huntinqton Beach. CA 92615-6624

LA Fox Board of Directors
Barry R. Lee, President/Newsletter Editor
Bill Anderson, Vice President/Programs
Twila Miller, Treasurer/Membership
Chuck Williams, President Emeritus
George Dvorak
Bill Seldon
Mike Cummings
Michael Meer
George Porter

LA Fox is the oldest FoxPro developer’s group in
Southern California. The newsletter contains regular
columns as well as articles from other user groups.

XPro User Group
Randy Unruh
2210 Wilshire Blvd. -#161
Santa Monica, CA 90403

OC FoxPro Developers Group
Mike Vincent
The annual membership fee for the LA Fox Develop-
ers Group, including subscription to The LA Fox
Developer Newsletter, is $45.

Neither the LA Fox User Group, the XPro User
Group, the OC FoxPro Developers Group, their
officers or board of directors or their members make
any express or implied warranties of any kind with
regard to any information disseminated, including,
but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and!
or fitness for a particular purpose.

Opinions provided by newsletter articles, or by
speakers, members, or guests who address the
meetings, are individual opinions only, and do not
necessarily represent the opinions of the group. All
opinions and information should be carefully consid-
ered, and the group is not liable for any incident or
consequential damages in connection with, or arising
out of, the furnishing or use of any information or
opinions. Brand names and product names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec-
tive owners.
Out and About (Con’t from Page 1)

their five-day, hands-on Accelerated Application Development class --
VFO5. Sept 29-30 we will also offer a two day client server class - VFO7.
For complete course outlines visit them at http:/www.microendeavors.com
otherwise please email any response.

Since We Last Met
Well, let’s see where do I start? Forbes Magazine has once again
named Bill Gates the richest man around, Mike Tyson invented a new style
of boxing he could really sink his teeth into, Apple Computer threw another
ship’s captain over the side, Intel stock jumped 58%, the 30th anniversary
of John Coltrane’s death, and the 50th anniversary of what the government
affectionately refers to as”The Roswell Incident”. Wait!!! This just in from
our reporter out in the field (Marvin Floyd, mfloyd©dbintellect.com):

7/11/97 3:41 PM
Valles Marineris (MPI) - A spokesthing for Mars Air Force denounced as
false rumors that an alien space craft crashed in the desert, outside of Ares
Vallis on Friday. Appearing at a press conference today, General Rgrmrmy
The Lesser, stated that “the object was, in fact, a harmless high-altitude
weather balloon, not an alien spacecraft”.

The story broke late Friday night when a major stationed at nearby Ares
Vallis Air Force Base contacted the Valles Marineris Daily Record with a
story about a strange, balloon-shaped object which allegedly came down in
the nearby desert, “bouncing” several times before coming to a stop,
“deflating in a sudden explosion of alien gases”. Minutes later, General
Rgrmrmy The Lesser contacted the Daily Record telepathically to contra-
dict the earlier report.

General Rgrmrmy The Lesser stated that hysterical stories of a detachable
vehicle roaming across the Martian desert were blatant fiction, provoked by
incidences involving swamp gas. But the general public has been slow to
accept the Air Force’s explanation of recent events, preferring to speculate
on the “other-worldly” nature of the crash debris. Conspiracy theorists have
condemned Rgrmrmy’s statements as evidence of “an obvious government
cover-up”, pointing out that Mars has no swamps.
Help Wanted...
Microcomputer Engineering Services, LLC, is looking for people proficient in
FPW 2.6 with some basic knowledge of VFP. Excellent working conditions
with a chance to be in on the latest FoxPro-related technologies. Need
someone capable of “hitting the bricks running”. Call Mike Meer or Barry
R. Lee, 800/499-6237, or e-mail us at brlee@mesllc.com.
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