The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 2000
Undocumented (Can’t from page 3)
This function returns “Diagnostic Mode Entered - SYS(1020)
exits” in the status bar. These functions work and sometimes
they don’t, depending on the version of Fox or VFP you’re
running. This function used to slow down your Fox or VFP
session tremendously. It doesn’t look like it has much effect
now, though.

This function made it’s first appearance in version 1.02 of Fox.
This function used to return “Diagnostic Mode Enabled” or
“Diagnostic Mode Disabled” as a wait window. Now it doesn’t
appear to do anything... These functions work and sometimes
they don’t, depending on the version of Fox or VFP you’re

SYS(21 47483648)
This function returns a different value depending on which
version of Fox or VFP you’re usirg. On VFP 6.0 SP3, this now
returns the same value as SYS(0’ In some versions this would
return “1”. Note that SYS(2 147483647) returns nothing. What’s
the significance of SYS(2147483648)? This is the same number
as 2 to the 31st power.

There’s a standing bug in VFP 6.0 run SYS(999, 4412) in the
command window and note the duplicate H hot keys. That’s
how it was found by running through all the dialogs generated
by this function... BillAnderson

What does Sys(999) do?
SYS(999,n) brings up a bitmap image of the dialogs in VFP,
presumably so screen shots can be taken or localization text
can be inspected for fit. It serves no practical purpose.
You can use the up and down arrow key to browse through all
dialogs that are included in VisualFoxPro. I bet you find some
you’ve never seen before. :) ChnstofLange

It shows dialogs all the way to SYS(999,n)where n=4507. Using
4508-4999 for n causes nothing to happen; 5000+ generates an

Calling SYS(999,4507) on Windows 2000 build (2031) freezes
VFP 6.0. — PaulBorowicz

I couldn’t find this documented anywhere. Where did you guys
get this info? —ToddChandler
It’s not documented. Hence, the category. I started the category
so I know it’s not documented. My real question is where do
guys like John, Steven, and Paul get the answers. Do they have
secret connections in the VFP syndicate? Is it expenmenta-
tion? I’ve only been working with Foxpro for about a year and
there seems to be a lot of these types of “secret nuggets”. Is
there a rule of thumb on how to find out this kind of arcane
knowledge or is it just something that trickles out over years of
using a product? The Wki seems like a good place to start a
nugget repository. — ToddChandler
We pay attention to what ChnstofLange says on
CompuserveVFoxForum and on the UniversatThread :-). He’s
among the people who’s great for finding stuff like this.

SYS(999,333) is interesting. It shows the help/about bitmap.
Notice the “Application Security” button. MichaelGEmmons

UNPACK(some parameter)
Now, can anyone figure out this function? My guess is that this
is a secret function that MSFT uses to install VFP onto your
hard drive. This function takes a parameter of some sort. If you
don’t pass a parameter, VFP returns an error, so there’s error
checking going on. See also: Microsoft Knowledge Base
articleQg5307: “PRB: “Too Few Arguments” Error with Function

This command would list all the dBaselll+ interactive com-
mands. If you used the TO PRINT option, this would go to the
printer. The TO FILE option appears to “work” as well in VFP, in
the sense that it doesn’t generate an error message.

This command only returned results when one was using the
dBaselll+ LAN Pack, returning a user list without stopping.
BTW, these commands also “worked” on every version of the
Macintosh product as well. Even FoxBase+/Mac?. At least it
didn’t give an “Unrecognized command” error.

This command got one out of the dBaselll LAN Pack. This
command did nothing without the LAN Pack and VFP does
nothing with it either.

MODIFY VIEW (.vue file)
This command used to be an undocumented function this
command used to open the specified .Vue file, allowing one to,
well, modify the view. This “capability” appears to have been
completely dropped. So for those who say VFP has always had
backward compatibility, remind them of this command. Now
this command is used to open to View Designer to the seleced
view within the current database. Nonetheless .VUE files are
still supported in VFP. Try this:
use (_Samples)+"\data\customer"
CREATE VIEW RatFace && makes RatFace.VUE
Steven Black

This command was used in the Macintosh products to trap for
the Help selection off the Apple menu.

This command was used
in the Macintosh products to trap for
(Con’t, page 5)
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