The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 2000
ADO Jumpstart (Con’t fmm page 1)
To illustrate this capability, consider the need to fetch a list of
files from a specified directory. In Visual FoxPro, a handy
function, ADIR() performs this sort of task. However, what if
you need to pass the data to another application? Or, perhaps
you need to persist the list to a file on disk. While Visual
FoxPro arrays are powerful, ADO recordsets provide a compel-
ling alternative. The following code fetches a list of files from a
specified directory, fabricates a recordset, and copies the values
from the array into the newly created recordset:
#INCLUDE “adovfp.h”
Local Array aFlles[1]
Local nFiles,nFIeld,nFlle,oRS
nFiles = Adir(aFlles,Getdir( )+"*.*")
With 0RS
•I Adding new fields is ~. matter of appending
1 new field objects to th~ Fields Collection.
.Flelds.Append(”Attributes”,ADcHAR,l 0)

For nFile = 1 To nFiles
! Add a new record. This automatically makes
the new record the current record - just
•! like VFP.
With ore
.Fields(”File”).Value = aFIles[nFile,1]
.Fields(”Slze”).Value = aFiles(nFlle,21
.Fields(”DateTime”).Value =
Ctot(Dtoc(aFiles(nFile,3]) + “ “+ aFiles[nFile,4])
.Flelds(”Attributes”).Value = aFiles[nFile,5]
Next nltem
Return oRS

With the new recordset created and populated, it can be
navigated like any other recordset:
oFiles = GetFiles
Do While loFiles.Eof

ADO Recordsets Instead of Arrays

Referring to the previous example, let’s say that the list needs
to be sorted by file size, descending. Arrays in Visual FoxPro
can be sorted, when all columns in the array are of the same
data type. In this case, there are three data types: Character,
Numeric, and DateTime. With a client-side ADO recordset, the
process becomes simple. The following code does the trick:

oRS.Sort = “Size Desc”

Sorts are not limited to just one column. Perhaps you need to
sort by size, descending, and then by file, ascending:
oRS.Sort = “Size Desc,FIle”

And, when it comes to sorting, such properties as Bookmark
and AbsolutePosition that have already been demonstrated are
available here as well.

Perhaps you need to find a specific value. The ASCAN()
function in Visual FoxPro enables you to do this. However, it
does not allow you to specify a particular column to search.
Rather, once the first occurrence of a specified value is found,
regardless of the column, the search is stopped. With ADO
recordsets, more granular control is provided. The following code
checks to see if a file called VFP6.EXE is in the recordset:
oRS.Flnd(”FIle Like ‘VFP6.EXE”)
If IoRS.Eof
•1 Found It
•l Not found

Finally, you may wish to filter the list based on the file size
being greater than a specified value:

oRS.Fllter = “size> 50000”

When evaluating the tools at your disposal for local data
handling, be sure to consider fabricated ADO recordsets. Also,
if you find yourself running into obstacles with Visual FoxPro
arrays, fabricated ADO recordsets may provide a sound alterna-
Command Object

The purpose of the Command object is just as the its name
implies, to run commands. For example, you may need to run a
SQL update against a SQL Server table. To illustrate, the
following code applies a 10 percent increase in the UnitPrice
field in the Products table of the SQL Server Northwind data-

oCommand = CreateObject(”adodb.command”)
With oCommand
.ActiveConnection = '
.CommandText = “Update Products Set unitprice = unitprice * 1.1”

The ActiveConnection Property

To review, both the Command object and Recordset object have
the ActiveConnection property. A Command object needs to
know what data source it is to execute commands against. A
Recordset object needs to know what data source contains the
data it is to retrieve. The way you accomplish this is by setting
the ActiveConnection property.

The ActiveConnection property presents a great opportunity to
talk about the flexible nature of the ADO object model. The ADO
object model is very flat, in that you do not have to create a
(Con’t, page 7)
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