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The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 2000
ADO Jumpstart
(Con’t from page 6)
series of objects in order to gain access to other objects. For
example, the following is one way to create and open both a
Connection and a Recordset object:
oConnection CreateObject(”adodb.connectiofl”)
oRecordset CreateObject(””adodb.recordset””)
With oConnection
.Provlder ““SQLOLEDB.I”
“Persist Security lnfoFalse;User
ID=sa;lnitial Catalog=Nothwind;Data SourceJVP”
With oRecordset
.ActiveConnection oConnection
.Source “Products’”’
Here is another way to create the two objects:
With oRecordset
.ActiveConnection “ProviderSQLOLEDB.l ;Persist Security
Info=False;User ID=sa;lnitial CatalogNorthwind;Data
Now, you can reference the Connection object because it has
been implicitly created from the passed connection string:
The same is true for the Command object. While a Command
object was not explicitly created, a Command object was in fact
created and actually did the work of creating the recordset.
Using the recordset just created, the following command will
yield “Products” as the CommandText:
method should you use?
It is really a matter of preference. The latter method, which uses
only the RecordSet object, is somewhat overloaded. It carries
the same overhead as the former method because you must
still create a Connection object The former method is probably
a better way to go as it makes for more readable code.
Parameters Collection
The Parameters collection works with the Command object. The
primary use of the Parameters Collection is to both pass
arguments to, and accept return values from stored procedures.
To illustrate, consider the CustOrderHist stored procedure in the
SQL Server Northwind database:
CREATE PROCEDURE CustOrderHist @CustomerlD nchar(5)
SELECT ProductName, TotaISUM(Quantity)
FROM Products P, (Order Details] OD, Orders 0, Customers C
WHERE C.CustomerlD
AND C.CustomerlD
O.CustomerlD AND O.OrderlD
OD.OrderlD AND
GROUP BY ProductName
To illustrate how the Parameters collection is used in conjunc-
tion with the Command object, consider the following compre-
hensive example:
First, you need to establish a valid connection:
oConnection CreateObJect(”adodb.connection”)
Next, the connection needs to be opened.
With oConnection
.Provlder “SQLOLEDB.1”
“Persist Security Info=False;User
ID=sa;lnitial CatalogNorthwlnd;Data SourceJVP”
With a valid, open connection, a Command object can be
With oCommand
adCmdStoredProc && adCmdStoredProc
At this point, information
be obtained from the Parameters
For Each Parameter in oCommand.Parameters
Next Parameter
The first Parameter object is reserved for the value that the
stored procedure may return. Regardless of whether the stored
procedure explicitly returns a value, this Parameter object will
be created. Examining the CustOrderHist stored procedure,
note that a single argument, a customer ID, is accepted.
With a Command object and Parameter object in place, the real
work can begin. To get things rolling, a value needs to be
assigned to the Parameter object that will in turn be passed to
the stored procedure. In this case, a SQL statement is ex-
ecuted that totals the quantity, by product, that a specified
customer has purchased. The following code provides a cus-
tomer ID and executes the stored procedure:
Yet another way to produce
a Recordset object is through the
execution of a stored procedure. The resulting Recordset object
fields that correspond to the select statement in
the CustOrderHist stored procedure. Need a different history?
Just update the Value property of the Parameter object and
invoke the Execute method of the Command object.
The Parameters collection also comes into play in the area of
parameterized queries. Consider the following SQL Statement:
(Con’t, page 8)
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