The LA Fox Developer Newsletter
July 2000
ADO Jumpstart (Cony from page 7)
Select *;
From Customer;
Where country = ? And maxorder_amt>?

As with views, either local or remote, in Visual FoxPro, so too
can queries be parameterized in ADO. In ADO, the question
mark acts as a placeholder for parameters. The following
example illustrates how to put this all together.

First, a connection and a Command object need to be created:
oConnection = CreateObJect(”adodb.connectlon”)
oCommand CreateObject(”adodb.command”)

Next, the connection needs to be established:

oConnectlon.Open(”northwlnd” ,“sa”,”,

For illustration purposes, the OLE OB Provider for ODBC is
used. The native OLE DB Provider for SQL Server could have
been used as well.

Next, the Command object needs to be prepared:

With oCommand
.Actlveconnection = oconnection
.CommandText = “Select From Customer Where country =

With the Command object ready to go, a parameter object
needs to be created:
oCountryParameter =

The arguments for the CreateParameter method are as follows:

Name—The name of the parameter
Type—The data type of the parameter. A list of valid values
is contained in DataTypeEnum
Direction-The direction of the parameter. Parameters sent
to a command are input parameters. Arguments passed back
from a command are output parameters. A list of valid values is
contained in ParameterDirectionEnum
Size-The length of the parameter
Value—The initial value of the parameter

Alternatively, the parameter could have been created like this:
OCountryParameter = CreateObject(”adodb.parameter’
With oCountryParameter
.Name = “Country”
.Type = adChar
.Direction = adParamlnput
.SIze = 1
.Value = " "

Once the parameter has been created, it needs to be appended
into the Parameters collection of the Command object:

With the parameter in place, the value of the parameter can be
set. In this case, the parameter will be set so that any country
that begins with the letter U will be returned into a Recordset
With oCountryParameter
.SIze = 2
.Value =

Now, a Recordset object can be created:

oRecordset = oCommand.Execute

A useful feature of specifying parameters is that this enforces
characteristics such as size, data type, and so on. For ex-
ample, the preceding parameter was defined as a character. If a
value based on a different data type was assigned to the Value
property of the Parameter object, an error would result. The
same is true if the assigned value is greater in length than what
has been specified by the Size property.

Finally, if a list of customers in Mexico were required, the
following code would complete the task:
With oCommand
.Parameters(”country”).Size = Len(”Mexico”)
.Parameters(”country”).Vaiue = “Mexico”
oRecordSet = .Execute

Properties Collection

Recall the earlier assertion that, by itself, ADO is Incapable of
doing anything? ADO in fact just provides an interface. OLE DB
providers give ADO the ability to do anything. So then, what
distinguishes one OLE DB provider from another? More specifi-
cally, how can you determine what an OLE DB provider can and
cannot do, or what attributes it does or does not possess?
Depending on the OLE DB provider you use, or the type of
recordset you use (client or server), what is supported will likely

The Properties collection applies to the Connection, Recordset,
and Field objects. The Command object also has a Properties
collection, which is identical to the Recordset object Properties

Multiple result sets provide a good example of varying OLE DB
provider support. To determine if multiple result sets can be
obtained, you can refer to the “Multiple Results” properties:
If oConnection.Properties(”Multiple Results”).Value = I
Supports multiple result sets

While the OLE DB providers for SQL Server and ODBC both
support multiple results, the OLE DB provider for Jet does not.
To illustrate, the following is valid syntax for SQL Server:
oRecordset.Source=”SELECT FROM customers;" +" SELECT * FROM
(Con’t, page 9)
Page 8